About us

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Neptun  ISSUU 
About us

The Teacher Training Institute of Sapientia University offers psychopedagogical training for students who, in addition to obtaining the qualification corresponding to their university studies, intend to participate in theoretical and practical training that qualifies them to become teachers.

The certification of specific pedagogical competences and the qualification to practice as a teacher - which can be obtained during BA/BSc studies by finishing Level I of the psychopedagogical training programme - offers graduates the possibility to work as teachers in primary and secondary education (compulsory education system).  

To occupy a teaching position in the upper secondary or high school education (grades XI-XII), as well as in post-secondary or higher education, in addition to a MA/MSc degree, students will also have to complete Level II of the psychopedagogical training programme.

The Teacher Training Institute operates on the basis of a unitary national curriculum. Sapientia University organizes this program according to the provisions of the National Education Law no. 1/2011 and Order no. 3850/02.05.2017 of the Minister of National Education, as amended. Within each faculty of the University, the studies are organized on full-time basis. Students of the first or second year (enrolled in one of the study programmes of the University) may apply for Level I of the psychopedagogical training programme, organized simultaneously with the university studies. Level I of the psychopedagogical training programme can also be organised on a postgraduate basis for graduates with a BA/BSc degree.

Level II of the programme is open to students who are studying for a MA/MSc degree and to postgraduates with a MA/MSc degree.

Sapientia EMTE

The Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania is the independent university of the Hungarian community in Romania, which aims at providing education to the members of our community and performing scientific research on a high professional level. 


Rector's Office

400112 Cluj-Napoca, str. Matei Corvin nr. 4
Tel.: +40 723 614 525, fax: +40 264 593 688

E-mail: officesapientia.ro

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