Our video between the best Happy adaptations!

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Our video between the best Happy adaptations!
Our video between the best Happy adaptations!
Our video between the best Happy adaptations!
20 March 2014

Pharrell Williams has selected our film for showing at their site on the 20th of March.


Pharrell Williams is partnering with the UN to celebrate International Day of Happiness today, on March 20th. The producer spotlighted our video between the best ones at noon on his site: http://24hoursofhappiness.com/




Happy Sapientia
Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania In case of playback error please use the following...

ACTA Social Analysis
ACTA Universitatis Sapientiae has published the second volume of Social Analysis scientific journal.

Sapientia EMTE

The Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania is the independent university of the Hungarian community in Romania, which aims at providing education to the members of our community and performing scientific research on a high professional level. 


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